Using SSONext with NodeJs

If you use NPM, the easiest way to authorize a user on the backend is through the @butopen/ssonext library

  1. Install the SSONext library:
npm install @butopen/ssonext
  1. Import the library:
import {SSONext} from "@butopen/ssonext" // or const {SSONext} = require("@butopen/ssonext")
  1. Check the token:
const tokenData = new SSONext("YOUR_SSONEXT_API_KEY").verify(token)

One more option: check if the user is authorized on Node.js without the SSONext library

There is still a third option to verify a token on the backend: through any JWT library, without the SSONext package.

jsonwebtoken is a popular node NPM package to verify JWT token. SSONext tokens are JWT tokens, so you can use it to authorize a user:

  1. When you init your app, download your password once:
// do it once in your init code
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const YOUR_SSONEXT_PASSWORD = (await (await fetch("")).json()).password

Here we use node-fetch, but you may want to use Axios or the pure Node HTTPs APIs.

  1. With the password above, verify the JWT token using jsonwebtoken as follows:
// to verify the JWT token offline
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
jwt.verify(token, YOUR_SSONEXT_PASSWORD);

Both methods work offline. An async request is made just once, to get the password from your API key.

Internally the SSONext NPM package does the same stuff as in point (2). However, SSONext API exposes other useful methods.